Check Out The Latest Opportunities <3
Check Out The Latest Opportunities <3
The problem that was identified here was:
We need to create a safe space for unaccompanied young men
So that we can have a place where their voices can not only be heard but understood
But we get torn between bringing everyone together as a group and tending to peoples’ individual needs.
When we researched this problem we discovered that..
These YP have aspirations and goals for a successful future - they are focussed on these and can feel anxious about achieving them. Also they (mostly) don’t have any family here, so their friends are a crucial network for them.
Testing this idea further showed that..
These YP have demonstrated (by their journeys) that they are highly capable and resilient, and yet our systems and ways of doing things here are very confusing for them.
A safe space for unaccompanied young men to have a place to voice their concerns, where the voices will be not only heard but understood.
Easy to understand flyers (with diagrams) which offer a programme of opportunities which support learning English, thinking critically, creating a family of friends, having fun, staying fit and career coaching.
The problem that was identified here was:
We need to develop bespoke support for care experienced parents
So that they have fair opportunity to be the best parents they can be
But there is a lot of stigma, inadequate support and the odds are stacked against them
When we researched this problem we discovered that..
Care experienced young parents find it hard to access universal family support as they do not see themselves or their situations represented. They feel judged and have very limited support networks of their own,
Testing this idea further showed that..
These parents can build special and meaningful solidarity when they are supported to build a community together. They especially require support to become less lonely and improve their mental health.
A network of parents who had varied opportunity to socialise, learn and influence change across systems which need to serve them better.
The problem that was identified here was:
We need to do more to improve our mental health
So that we can better manage the things that challenge us
But we don’t always want, need or gain access to specialist services
When we researched this problem we discovered that..
When we do something creative we feel better
A lot of people don’t try art because they think they are not good at it
But they are interested to try.
Testing this idea further showed that..
People that have never done art before felt better after each session than they did at the start.
Activities which do not require lots of spoken English are inclusive.
The format of the session enabled people to self manage how much they shared with others.
A calm, welcoming space where people attend on a drop in basis to explore paint, drawing and colour to regulate their mood.
The problem that was identified was:
We need to do more for care leavers who are expected to achieve an accelerated journey into independence.
So that we can help them to reach positive destinations
But the support on offer is not engaging or meaningful, so life beyond care is often very difficult.
When we researched this problem we discovered that..
Young people most want to learn naturally and organically – in the same way that biological families do. They dream of love in action – a discussion over a meal, for example.
Testing this idea further showed that..
Cooking, eating and clearing up together is rife with unexpected tensions and challenges. This group really helps us to develop solution focussed problem solving skills.
A weekly group cooking session where eat together and dance around the kitchen.
The problem that was identified was :
We need to manage our moods and feel better about ourselves
So that we can regulate our behaviour and have hope about the future
But we often have unhelpful vices and negative coping strategies
When we researched this problem we discovered that..
We commonly know that our mental health is improved by physical exercise but there are many barriers to it – such as cost, motivation or support.
Testing this idea further showed that..
Exercising together is a great way to develop self-discipline, set personal goals and set aside our differences.
Access to Fitness – A2F we often call it.
A group which met at the Civic Centre, using the environment around us as space to workout in small groups. We also had a Whatsapp group in which members recorded training workouts and diet tips in between sessions.